Wednesday 12 February 2014

Hitting up Gold Street with... Transmog!

Okay, so you have you gems all set up to make your 'store' sparkle. Now you need some appeal items.

Or in WoW terms, Transmog. What you will need:

  • Any amount of gold
  • Patience 
  • TSM (Quickest form for posting)
Going into the transmog market is no 'Fast way to make gold' but it is a good long term investment. Like in business when looking at a company, they have current assets and non-current assets. In WoW your current assets would be things you can sell in a 1 hour to 1 week, these would be things like gems, enchants, glyphs and popular items. Your non-current assets would be things that you will sell anywhere between 1 month and 1 year, these would be items such as TCG mounts, Xmog and pets. 

Of course you will be able to sell a few items before 1 month but these are generally outliers to the normal distribution of sales for long term investments. 

What is classified as Xmog gear?
This is hard to judge since its not about what YOU think, its about what other people regard as good looking or cool. If you are using TSM I have edited a string of Xmog items (The base of it is @Silenthunder3) that generally sell well and are considered 'cool'. Some items are on this list because they are part of sets as well, set items even if they are horrible, they still might go with another part of the set that looks cool, you can find the Xmog list here.

So how do I get these sets of gear?
You can do this in two ways:
  • Farming
  • AH sniping
If you wish to farm Xmog gear I suggest looking up extremely expensive gear that is on your server and farming for those. You don't really want to be farming for a chest that sells for 400g. Jade set is probably a good place to start.

AH Sniping is what I do. Because I have my foot in the door of the gem market, TCG mounts and other areas I find that going out to farm is far too time consuming and therefore my GPH goes down. This is assuming you know how to use TSM - So once you have imported the list for Xmog items you want to set up two operations. First is your auctioning, you can edit this to whatever suits you best but I have as follows:
Post for 12 hrs
Minimum price - max(25% dbmarket, 70% wowuctionregion)
Normal price - max(120% dbmarket, 300g,130% wowuctionregionmarket)
Maximum price - max(200% dbmarket, 2950g, 200% wowuctionregionmarket)

Second is your buying operation, mine is as follows:
Maximum auction price (per item) - 20% dbmarket

Heaps of items are coming up, should I buy all of these or just a few?
If you are just buying into the market and do not have much experience and/or gold I suggest getting a few items to start out with. Try aim for the lowest current price with the highest average sale price. Once you get comfortable and want to expand your assets you can go ahead and buy more.

Be careful when buying Xmog gear as you can easily be tricked by some addons saying that the average price is, for example, 3k, and you go ahead and buy the item for 500g only to find out that there are 6 other items going for 500g or less. So not only should you check that you are going to be able to push the price up but also only buy items that have 1 - 2 items up on the AH.

Thanks for reading! Be sure to follow my twitter @DollarbillsWoW, will be doing a 25,000 gold giveaway on US-Barthilas (OCE server) once I hit 100 followers. (You can either start up on my server or buy some pets to transfer to your server and sell) 

**This method of pricing and the base of the Xmog string is based around Silenthunder's Xmog Method** 

1 comment:

  1. You really should be giving 100% credit to Silenthunter for the list that HE created. You added very minor edits to his very significant body of work. That does not make it yours. Seeing you say that Silenthunter's work was the "base", and things like, "once you have imported my list..." really irks me.

    I sound cranky here because I am. I get tired of bloggers who don't understand how to properly cite others' work. It makes me question whether anything they write is really their own.

    You appear to be new to this gold blogging game, so hopefully will decide to handle citations more thoughtfully in future.
